class 10th english half yearly paper 2023 | कक्षा 10 वीं अंग्रेजी अर्धवार्षिक पेपर Mp Board 2023 solution

             Half Yearly Exam 2022-23

                          Class 10th
                    Subject – English

Time – 3 hrs                                M.M. – 75

Instruction –

· All questions are Compulsory .

· Marks are indicated in front of each question.


Q.1 Read the following passage and answer the questions on the basis of comprehension of the passage. [1X5=5]

Emperor Ashoka was one of the earliest Indian monarchs who planted shady trees on roads and in public places. The Moghuls, too, realized the necessity of shade on the roads which the constructed. But there was no conscious planning; and the peepal, banyan and pakur trees were indiscriminately mixed with neems, tamarinds and mahuas. It was only in Kashmir that they showed some preference for planning and planted magnificent avenues of chinar along the banks of the river Jhelum, which can be seen at their best at Gandhadbp and Matam on the way to Pahalgam. A plantation plan for our national, state and district highways is urgently needed. At present, our roads are planted by the P.W.D. engineers who are ignorant of trees. Ultimately, the planting of new trees and replacement of dead trees is left to gardeners alone who plant any tree which comes handy. The result has been unfortunate, and our roadside avenues have become a mixture of odd trees.


(i) Who planted shady trees?

(a) Sikandar (b) Ashoka

(c) Maharana Pratap (d) Haider Ali

(ii) The Moghuls planted the magnificent avenues of Chinar in

(a) Kashmir (b) Karnataka

(c) Kerala (d) Kanya kumara

(iii) Who was Ashoka?

(a) A Gardner (b) Indian Monarch

(c) Indian film actor (d) None of these

(iv) Which plants were planted along the bank of river Jhelum?

(a) Neem (b) Peepal

(c) Banyan (d) Chinar

(v) At present our roads are planted by

(a) S.D.O. (b) P.W.D.

(c) Forest Dept. (d) Teachers

Q.2 Read the following passage and answer the questions on the basis of comprehension of the passage. [1X5=5]

‘Prevention is better than cure’, and it is recognized that the only way to get rid of malaria completely is to get rid of the mosquitoes which cause it. Malaria is always associated with damp and marshy land. This is not because the land is damp, but because the stagnant water is the breeding place of the mosquito, which begins its life as a larva living in the water. Malaria does not frequently occur in the water. Malaria does not frequently occur in dry desert countries, because mosquito is to their breeding in stagnant water. This can be done by draining all ponds and pools, and by keeping them covered in the breeding season with a thin layer of kerosene oil, which by depriving the larvae of air, kills them.


(i) Which is better than cure?

(a) Protection (b) Prevention

(c)Be always careful (d)All of the above

(ii) By which malaria associated?

(a)Marshy Land (b) Running water

(c) Damp place (d) Both (a) and (c)

(iii) What is the breeding place of mosquito?

(a) Running water (b) Stagnant water

(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above

(iv) Where does mosquito can’t breed?

(a) Dry desert countries (b) Drainage

(c) Running water (d) Both (a) and (c)

(v) How can we destroy mosquitoes?

(a) By preventing their breeding in stagnant water

(b) By draining all ponds and pools (c) both a and b

(d) none of these


Q.3 Read the following passage and make notes on it and also give a suitable title to it. 4

Discipline is necessary in life. A man without discipline can achieve nothing worthwhile in life. Discipline is the very condition of progress, stability and strength. Discipline is necessary in all walks of human life. Without discipline there will be disorders and lawlessness in a civilized society. We cannot live without having some regards for the welfare of others. Respect for authority is the basis of discipline. Children must obey their parents. In schools and colleges, there must be discipline, otherwise education will suffer. We find evidence of discipline all around us even in the world of nature and the world of animal, discipline loses nothing but it wins a lot. Discipline helps us to safeguard our interests and restrains us from missing our liberty.

Q.4 You are Yashasvi Shrivastava studying in Govt. C.M.Rise School, Guraiya, (M.P.). Write an application to your Principal for issuing books from Book Bank. 4 OR

You are Himansh. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant success in examination.

Q.5 Write a paragraph/article on any one of the following topics. (In about 120 words) 5

(i) Importance of English (ii) Importance of Trees

(iii) Covid-19 (iv) Online education

(v) Junk Food (vi) Health is Wealth

Q.6 On the basis of the picture given below, describe how we can keep ourselves fit and healthy? 3

SECTION-C (Grammar)

Q.7 Fill in the blanks choosing the correct alternative given in the brackets. [1×5= 5]

(i) He knows the boy _____is wearing a blue shirt. (which/who/where)

(ii) There is not _____ water in the pool. (some/any/many)

(iii) He has…….many plays. (write/wrote/written)

(iv) We ______ to follow the traffic rules. (ought /should/must)

(v) The patient had died ______ the doctor arrived. (before/after)

(vi) They ____ completed their work. (has/have)

(vii) His brother is _____ R.J. in a local radio channel. (a/an/the)

(vii) His uncle died ____ cancer. (from/of/to)

Q.8 Do as directed [1×5=5]

(i) He did his work well. (Change into negative)

(ii) He teaches Hindi. (Change the sentence into Passive Voice)

(iii) They are selling their house. (Change into present perfect)

(iv) He is too weak to go school.

(rewrite the sentence using ‘so………that’)

(v) Unless you work hard, you won’t pass. (use ‘If’ in place of unless)

(vi) Delhi is larger than Bhopal

(Rewrite the sentence using ‘positive degree’)

(vii) The boy is my friend. The boy who has won the prize.

(combine the sentence using ‘who’)


Q.9 Choose the correct option – [1×4=4]

(i) Who read the letters sent by Lencho?

(a) His wife (b) The postmaster

(c) The God (d) His son

(ii) Who has written ‘How to tell wild Animals’?

(a)Carolyn Wells (b) Carl Sandburg

(c) W B Yeats (d) Walt Whitman

(iii) Anne Frank was a

(a) German girl (b) Jewish girl

(c) both a and b (d) none of the above

(iv) What group of animals does otters belongs to?

(a) Elk (b) Hedgehogs

(c) Mousselines (d) by his friend

Q.10 (A) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below-


The house – the only one in the entire valley - sat on the crest of a low hill. From this height one could see the river and the field of ripe corn dotted with the flowers that always promised a good harvest. The only thing that the earth needed was a downpour or at least a shower. Throughout the morning Lencho Who knew his fields intimately - had done nothing else but see the sky towards the north- east.


(i) from which lesson has this text been taken?

(a) A letter to God (b) His first Flight

(c) Black Aeroplane

2. Where was Lencho’s house situated?

(a) At the foot of a hill (b) In the village

(c) On the crest of a low hill

3. From the above passage, which word is similar to the word ‘closely’? (a) valley (b) harvest


(B) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below- [1×3=3]

The way a crow

Shook down on me

The dust of snow

From a hemlock tree

Has given my heart

A change of mood

And saved some part

Of a day I had rued.


(i) Who is the poet of the above poem?

(a)Carolyn Wells (b) Robin Klein (c) Robert Frost

(ii) Where was the crow?

(a) on hemlock tree (b) on banyan tree (c) on peepal tree

(iii) The poet’s mood got changed, when_____

(a) he falls asleep (b) dust of snow falls on him (c) he starts talking

Q.11 Answer the following questions in 30 words.(any 6) [2×6=12]

(i) What did Lencho hope for?

(ii) What does Mandela thank the international leaders for ?

(iii) "I'll take the risk". What is the risk ? Why does the narrator take it?

(iv) Who was Anne Frank?

(v) Who was Gautam Buddha?

(vi) When did Anne frank write her diary?

(vii) What are the elders in Goa nostalgic about?

(viii) Where is Coorg located?

(ix) Why does he go to Basra? How long does he wait there, and why?

Q.12 Answer the following question in 30 words- (any 2) [2×2=4]

(i) What is a 'dust of snow'?

(ii) What does ‘fire’ stand for in the poem?

(iii) According to the poet of ‘How to Tell Wild Animals, how will you know

that is an Asian lion?

(iv) Where did the ball go?

(v) Where are the trees at present? What do their roots, and leaves do?

(vi) What is Amanda getting instructions for?

Q.13 Answer the following question in 30 words-(any 2) [2×2=4]

(i) How did Mr. Pumphrey and her servant behave when Tricki was being

sent to the Surgery?

(ii) Who does 'I' refer to in the story ‘A Thief’s Story’?

(iii) Why had Fowler wanted to meet Ausable?

(iv) What kind of a person is Mme Loisel—why is she always unhappy?

(v) Why were the two boys in London surprised and fascinated?

Q.14 Who does Lencho think has taken the rest of the money? What is the irony in the situation? 3


How did Mandela's understanding of freedom change with age and experience?

Q15. What is the central idea of the poem ‘Fire and Ice’? 3


What is theme of the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’?

Q.16 What are Hari Singh's reactions to the prospect of getting an education? Do they change over time? What makes him return to Anil? 3


How did the invisible man first become visible?

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2 january अर्धवार्षिक परीक्षा कक्षा 10 वी विषय अंग्रेजी
कक्षा 10 अर्धवार्षिक परीक्षा अंग्रेजी 2022-23
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Jankari Teach

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