MP Board Half yearly Class 12th English Paper | Class 12 Half Yearly Question Papers PDF 2023 English| पीडीएफ़ डाउनलोड करें

Class 12th Half Yearly Question Papers PDF 2023 English

MP Board Class 12th English Ardhvarshik Paper कैसा आएगा , उसमें यहां बताए गए सभी निर्देश लिखे हुए होंगे जिनको आपको पालन करना होगा इसके साथ ही आपको यहां पर यह भी बताया जाएगा कि MP Board Half Yearly English Paper Pattern के अंतर्गत आपको प्रश्नों को कैसे हल करना है और कौन सा प्रश्न कितने नंबर का है. अगर आप भी Class 12 Half Yearly Question Papers PDF 2023 English Download करना चाहते हैं तो हम आपको यहां पर class 12th english half yearly question papers pdf 2023-23 प्रदान करने वाले हैं. साथ ही सभी प्रश्नों का हल भी मैं यूट्यूब पर दे दिया है टो आप विडिओ भी देख सकते हैं। 

MP Board Half yearly Class 12th English Paper

Half Yearly Examination 2022-23

                Class 12th


TIME – 3 hrs M.M.- 80

Instructions – 
(1) All question are compulsory.
(2) Marks of question are given against them.

            SECTION – A (Reading)

Q.1 Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below them. [10]

The task which Gandhiji had taken in hand was not only the achievement of political freedom but also the establishment of a social order based on truth and non-violence, unity and peace, equality and universal brotherhood, and maximum freedom for all. This unfinished part of his experiment was perhaps even more difficult to achieve than the achievement of political freedom. Political struggle involved fight against a foreign power and all one could do was either join it or wish it success and give it his moral support. In establishing the social order of this pattern, there was a lively possibility of a conflict arising between groups and classes, of our own people. Experience shows that man values his possessions even more than his life because in the former he sees the means for perpetuation and survival of his descendants even after his body is reduced to ashes. A new order cannot be established without radically chaining the mind and attitude of men towards property and at some stage or the other, the ‘haves’ have to yield place to the ‘have-nots’. We have seen, in our time, attempts to achieve a kind of egalitarian society and the picture of it after it was achieved. But this was done, by a large amount, through the use of physical force. In the ultimate analysis, it is difficult if not impossible, to say that the instinct to possess has been rooted out or that it will not reappear in an even worse form under a different guise. It may even be that, like a gas kept confined within containers under great pressure, or water held by a big dam, once a barrier breaks, the reaction will one day sweep back with a violence equal in extent and intensity to what was used to establish and maintain the outward egalitarian form. This enforced egalitarianism contains, in its bosom, the seed of its own destruction. The root cause of class conflict is possessiveness or the acquisitive instinct. So long as the ideal that is to be achieved is one of securing the maximum material satisfaction, possessiveness can neither be suppressed nor eliminated but will grow on what it feeds. Nor will it cease to be such – it is possessiveness, still, whether it is confined to only a few or is shared by many. If egalitarianism is to endure, it has to be based not on the possession of the maximum material goods which cannot be shared by others or can be enjoyed only at the expense of others. This calls for substitution of spiritual values for purely material ones. The paradise of material satisfaction that is sometimes equated with progress these days neither spells peace nor progress. Mahatma Gandhi has shown us how the acquisitive instinct inherent in man could be transmuted by the adoption of the ideal of trusteeship by those who ‘have’ for the benefit of all those who ‘have not’ so that, instead of leading to exploitation and conflict it would become a means and incentive, for the amelioration and progress of society, respectively.

i. The unfinished task of Mahatma Gandhi was –
(a) fighting against the foreign power
(b) establishment of a peacefully coexistent non-violent society
(c) achievement of political freedom
(d) None of these

ii. Select the best option to complete the sentence. Gandhi aimed at _____

(a) establishing a non-violent society
(b) universal brotherhood
(c) achieving political freedom
(d) all of these

iii. According to the passage, people ultimately overturn the form of a social order.
(a) which is based on conciliation and rapprochement
(b) which is not congenial to the spiritual values of the people
(c) which is based on coercion and oppression
(d) which does not satisfy their basic needs.

iv. According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true?
(a) It is difficult to change the mindset of people towards property.
(b) In an egalitarian society, material satisfaction can be enjoyed only at the expense of others.
(c) A social order based on truth and non-violence alone can help the achievement of maximum freedom for all
(d) In establishing the social order of Gandhiji’s pattern, the possibility of a conflict between different classes hardly exists.

v. In the context of the passage, what is meant by adoption of the ideal of trusteeship?
(a) The privileged class voluntarily renounces the possessive instinct
(b) Substitution of spiritual values by material values by those who live in the paradise of material satisfaction.
(c) To equate peace and progress to material satisfaction.
(d) ‘haves’ to adopt the ideal for the benefit of the society.

vi. Choose the most appropriate title for the passage.
(a)The social order of Gandhi's vision
(b) The renunciation of the possessive instinct
(c)Material values vs. Spiritual values
(d) Class conflicts in an egalitarian society

vii. Answer the following questions in the context of the passage. Why does man value his possessions more than his life?
(a) To get recognition in society
(b) To preserve his name even after death through his possessions.
(c) He has the instinct of possession.
(d) Possessions are essential to lead a comfortable life.

viii. Egalitarianism means
(a) violence
(b) inequality
(c) suppression
(d) social and political equality

ix. In the context of the passage, which of the following statements is false?
(a) Satisfaction of material needs cannot earn peace and progress.
(b)Conflicts between groups and classes are bound to arise.
(c)The instinct of possession causes conflicts.
(d) The instinct of possession can be rooted out completely.

x. In the passage, the metaphor of ‘paradise’ has been given for _______
(a) fulfilling spiritual needs
(b) renunciation of material goods.
(c) taking care of material needs
(d) acquisitive instinct.

Q.2 Read the following passage carefully and make notes on them also give
a suitable title to them. [4]

In the world have we made health an end in itself? We have forgotten that health is really a means to enable a person to do his work and does it well. A lot of modern medicine is concerned with promotion of good health. Many patients as well as many physicians pay very little attention to health; but very much attention to health makes some people imagine that they are ill. Our great concern with health is shown by the medical columns in newspaper, the health articles in popular magazines and the popularity of the television programme and all those books on medicine we talk about health all the time. Yet for the most the only result is more people with imaginary illnesses. The healthy man should not be wasting any time talking about health, he should be using health for work, the work he does and the work that good health makes possible.

                            SECTION – B (Writing)

Q.3 You are the secretary of “Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals”. Prepare an attractive poster appealing the people to be kind to animals. [4]
Prepare an attractive poster against the use of Drugs.

Q.4 Write a short paragraph on any one of the following topics in about 120 words. [4]
A- The Problem of Unemployment
B- Value of Games and Sports
C- Pollution Problem: A Great Challenge
D- COVID-19 : its impact on our life
E- Importance of English
You have witnessed an accident. Write a report for a newspaper about
the accident using the following inputs:
1.Where, when and how did the accident happen People,
2.Vehicle involved, 
3.Loss of life and property,
4.The scene of the accident, 
5.Details of casualties-deaths,

Q.5 Write a letter to your friend Sujata inviting her to spend the summer
vacation at your place Bhopal. [4]
Write a letter to the collector of your district about the nuisance of loudspeakers in your area requesting him to impose a ban on the use of loudspeakers.

Q.6 Fill in the blanks- [5]
1. I am going to buy....................clothes. (some/any)
2. There is not…..………water in the lake this year.(much/many)
3. Mohan loves reading. He has read ................ book in the library.(each/every)
4. There are two restaurants here. We can’t go to ................ restaurant 
because............ restaurant is very good.(either/neither)
5. He is the chief guest. He be here on time. (can, should,
must, ought)
6. He is not popular. He has.............. Friends.
(few/a few/the few/little/a little/the little)

Q.7 Do as Directed- [5]
1. He ran fast. He could not catch the ball. ( otherwise, or, but)
2. You are honest. I will help you.
(Combine the pair of sentences into a complex sentence having
an adverbial clause of reason/cause)
3. If he does not have time, he will not help you. ( Rewrite the sentence
using ‘unless’)
4. As soon as he knew my result, he informed me.
( Rewrite the sentence using ‘no sooner.......than’)
5. The tea is too hot for him to drink.
( Rewrite the sentence using ‘so........that’)
6. Few men are as great as M. K. Gandhi in India.
( Rewrite the sentence using ‘superlative degree’)
7. I did it. (change in to negative)


Q. 8 Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow. [5]
“My children, this is the last lesson I shall give you. The order has come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The new Master comes tomorrow. This is your last French lesson. I want you to be very attentive.”What a thunderclap these words were to me! Oh, the wretches; that was what they had put up at the town hall!My last French lesson! Why, I hardly knew how to write! I should never learn anymore! I must stop there, then! Oh, how sorry I was for not learning my lessons, for seeking birds’ eggs, or going sliding on the Saar! My books, that had seemed such a nuisance a while ago, so heavy to carry, my grammar, and my history of the saints, were old friends now that I couldn’t give up.
Questions .
i. Which of these orders has come from Berlin?
a. closure of school 
b. no French to be taught
c. rustication of Franz 
d. transfer to M. Hamel

ii Why does M. Hamel want the students to be attentive?
a. because the order has come from Berlin
b. because it is his last French lesson
c. because he is about to tell important questions for their exam because the government officer is on a visit

iii. Which of these seemed ‘old friends’ to Franz?
a. M. Hamel 
b. the blackboard
c. his classmates 
d. his books

iv. “What a thunderclap these words were to me!” Which of these expresses the meaning of the underlined word in the above line?
a. loud and clear 
b. startling and unexpected
c. pleasant and welcome 
d. encouraging and full of zeal

v. Which of these moods did Franz express when he was told that it was his last French lesson?
a. inspired and cheerful 
b. repenting and sorrowfu
c. optimistic and serious 
d. romantic and humorous

Q. 9 (A).Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow. [3]
Driving from my parent’s
Home to Cochin last Friday Morning,
I saw my mother, Beside me,
Doze, open mouthed, her face
Ashen like that
Of a corpse and realized with pain
That she was as old as she
Looked but soon
Put that thought away
And looked out at young trees sprinting...

(i) Which of these best applies to the given extract
a. a conversation 
 b. a piece of advice
c. a recollection 
 d. an argument

(ii) Which of these literary devices has been used in the line ‘her face ashen like that of a corpse’?

a. personification 
 b. alliteration
c. simile
d. metaphor

(iii) Find out the word from the extract that means ‘dead body’.

(B) Read the following extracts and answer the questions given below by choosing the correct option. [4]

Yes, I’ve taken the obvious step: I talked to a psychiatrist friend of mine, among others. I told him about the third level at Grand Central Station, and he said it was a waking dream wish fulfillment. He said I was unhappy. That made my wife kind of mad, but he explained that he meant the modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and all the rest of it, and that I just want to escape. Well, who doesn’t? Everybody I know wants to escape, but they don’t wander down into any third level at Grand Central Station.


i. Why did the narrator go to a psychiatrist?
a. Because he went through an experience no one else did.
b. Because he wanted to know why he was unhappy.
c. Because he was depressed.
d. Because he wanted to meet him.

ii. What is ‘Waking dream wish fulfillment;’ according to the psychiatrist?
a. Charley’s finding of a third level at the station
b. Charley’s realization of his wish to visit Galesburg Illinois
c. Charley’s escaping into his daydreaming everyday
d. Charley’s post stamp collecting habit

iii. What was the third level?
a. A third platform on the station
b, A third storey on the station
c. A level in the game that Charley had been playing
d. None of the above

Q.10 Answer the following questions in about 30 words.(any 5) [10]

1. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?
2. Who was Subbu?
3. What does Pancakes refer to?
4. What does the title, ‘Lost Spring’ convey?
5. Who is Mukesh? What is his dream?
6. What is the “misadventure” that William Douglas speaks about?
7. From where did the peddler get the idea of the world being a rattrap?
8. Why did the servants think Gandhi to be another peasant?
9. What are interstices?

Q.11 Answer the following questions in about 30 words.(any 3) [6]

1. Why are the young trees described as ‘sprinting’?

2.What is the ‘sadness’ that the poet refers to in the poem?

3.How will ‘keeping quiet’ protect our environment?

4.What pleasure does a beautiful thing give us?

5. Why does the poet call the car selfish?

Q.12 Answer the following questions in about 30 words.(any 2) [4]

1. What does ‘The Third Level’ refer to?

2. What were the different names given to the King of Pratibandapuram?

3. Who was Dr. Sadao?

4. Who is Mr. Lamb? Where does he live?

Q.13 Answer the following questions in about 75 words. [6]

1. Justify the title of the story ‘The Last Lesson’.

2. Discuss the qualities of a good leader with reference to Gandhi's role in Champaran movement.

Q.14 Write the central idea of the poem “Keeping Quiet” [3]


Explain the gist of the poem 'A Thing of Beauty’.

Q.15 Justify the title of the story ‘The Third Level’. [3]


Write a character sketch of Dr. Sadao.



Jankari Teach

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